Hello, Nonfics readers! I would like to invite you to be a patron of Nonfics through Patreon. We are looking to move away from advertisement-based funding to reader-supported funding. We think that in the long run this will mean more content, especially the kind that you all would prefer. There’s no need for a site devoted to documentary to depend on traffic and therefore focus on traffic bait. We cater to a niche audience, and we want to focus on the important stuff. We also hope to build a community of fans and become more involved with readers and supporters through our collective interests.
It might seem odd to look to the documentary community to help support a criticism-based website. After all, we’ve given plenty of negative reviews here at Nonfics. But one thing I’ve always taken pride in with my own reviews is that they’re not so cut-and-dry positive or negative. And a lot of filmmakers, publicists, distributors, etc. seem to appreciate my honest opinion combined with my constructive analysis of the work they put out. Not all, but a lot. I think plenty of documentary fans feel the same way. My first priority is always to recommend what is worth seeing, and my second is always to start up conversations regarding structure, ethics and other elements that are worthy of discussion.
Please, watch our video below and check out our Patreon page. We’ll be adding more incentives for your patronage as time goes by, but in the meantime thank you for anything you can contribute or any word you can spread about our campaign. And feel free to begin the discussion of what you’d like to see more of on Nonfics that would make you more interested in supporting our team of critics, interviewers and columnists. Thanks again!