‘The Realness’ Episode 13: ‘The Crash Reel’

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Episode #13 – The Crash Reel: Libsyn Player

This week we review The Crash Reel, Lucy Walker’s new film about snowboarder Kevin Pearce. The film has a number of passionate fans, and we try to pin down exactly what it is that people are responding to. Is it the film’s structure, an arc of injury, hubris and redemption? Or is it the way that the film manipulates our emotions, a trend that Chris sees in Walker’s other work as well? We also discuss The Crash Reel’s soundtrack and whether the film counts as an “issue film,” particularly within the context of the recent success of Blackfish. Finally, we look back on what may have been a light year for sports documentaries and make some recommendations, including Steve James’s Head Games.

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Watch the Films:

The Crash Reel in theaters and on HBO

Blackfish on iTunes and Netflix

Head Games on Amazon Instant

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