Directed, produced and written by Greg Whiteley (New York Doll)
Executive produced by Seth Gordon (New York Doll; Undefeated; director of The King of Kong)
Featuring Mitt Romney, Ann Romney, Tagg Romney, Matt Romney
Quick take: It’s not often we get candid verite docs about the losing side of a presidential election, and this one looks really good and maybe kinda sad. I also can’t help but highly anticipate this even more after watching AJ Schnack’s Caucus.
Release date: January 24, 2014, exclusively on Netflix Watch Instantly.
Synopsis, via Netflix:
Filmmaker Greg Whiteley follows Romney’s presidential aspirations beginning Christmas 2006 to his initial run to become the Republican nominee in 2008 and through his Presidential concession speech in 2012. Given unprecedented access by Mitt and his family, Whiteley travels alongside the campaign through interactions with potential voters, preparations for the debates, personal moments with his family, and concluding with final presidential election night results.